Student Symposium

Student Symposium LINK IT&EdTech 2024

We are proud to present the Student Symposium as an integral part of the LINK IT & EdTech24 Conference. This special segment is dedicated to fostering the next generation of researchers and innovators by providing a unique platform for students to present their work, exchange ideas, and network with their peers and experienced professionals.

Student Symposium Overview:

The Student Symposium aims to create a supportive and inspiring environment for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students from diverse backgrounds to showcase their research in the fields of information technology and educational technology. Participants will have the opportunity to present their extended articles written in one of the  conference languages using this template, engage in stimulating discussions, and receive valuable feedback from experts in the field.


Submission Guidelines and Timeline:

Student participants are encouraged to submit their extended articles following the conference’s standard submission guidelines. Please ensure that you clearly indicate your submission is for the Student Symposium. The submission deadline and review timeline will be announced on the conference website, main page. Make sure to submit your work on time to be considered for inclusion in the Book of Abstracts.

Publication in Book of Abstracts – Student Symposia LINK IT & EdTech24:

All accepted extended article abstracts submitted by student participants will be published in the “Book of Abstracts – Student Symposium LINK IT & EdTech24.” This exclusive volume will celebrate the exceptional work of student researchers and provide a lasting record of their accomplishments. In addition to enhancing their academic profiles, students will have the chance to make their research accessible to a wider audience.

Networking Opportunities:

The Student Symposium provides an excellent opportunity for students to network with their peers, researchers, and professionals in the field. By attending the conference, students will be able to forge connections, explore potential collaborations, and gain insights into the latest developments in information technology and educational technology.

We look forward to your participation in the Student Symposium at LINK IT & EdTech24 and the opportunity to celebrate your achievements. If you have any questions or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to our organizing committee. We wish you the best of luck in your submissions and hope to see you at the conference!